Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Note: This is NOT a picture of Jasmine catching a frisbee. I think this is a professional frisbee dog. As you will read in subsequent postings, Jasmine is not quite this coordinated.

This morning I decided to resume obedience training with Jazzy because she definitely needs it! My plan was to take her training treats outside in the back yard and practice her recall, or coming to me when I say, "Here." She is not very good at this. In fact, she doesn't do it at all. She sat patiently by the back door until I told her to come outside and I walked off the deck to put some distance between us before I called, "Here!" When I looked back at her with a frisbee dangling from her mouth I realized my mistake...she thinks that going outside means only one thing, F-R-I-S-B-E-E. I gathered up her two mangled, slobbery frisbees and put them on the railing of our deck so they would not be a distraction. We began to play the recall game and she seemed to be getting it, when I realized that she had begun to prance near the deck railing. I knew she was looking for the frisbees. I resigned to the fact that I needed to hide the frisbees next time we were doing training. Then, she had her Poo moment of the day. After finding the frisbees on the railing, she attempted to jump from the ground to reach them. The railing is about 6 feet off the ground and Jasmine is maybe 2 feet tall. She tried an awkward standing jump thing at first, hilarious. Then she tried to put her paws up on the railing supports to see if she could reach the frisbees that way. No such luck. She got back on all fours and was pacing around the bush below the railing; I could tell that her little mind was frantically trying to figure out how to get the frisbees. After a few more unsuccessful leaps, it was like a lightbulb turned on. She suddenly stopped and sprinted toward the stairs to the deck. From atop the deck she could easily jump up and snatch the frisbees off the railing...if only she was coordinated. Instead of grabbing the frisbees like she had planned, she misjudged the height of the railing and nudged the frisbees off of the railing with her nose. She peeked over the railing with a sad and confused look, and then happily trotted over to retrieve the fallen frisbees. She grabbed one and brought it to my feet with her eternally hopeful expression. Please throw it now, please Mom, please??? How can I resist such a sweet Poo?

B is for Bumblebee

We have some large, fat, very loud bumblebees that like to hang out in the bushes in our yard. I would not call Jasmine "observant," but she definitely notices the bumblebees. Anytime we are outside working in the yard, I occasionally see Jasmine go into her hunter mode as she frantically follows the movement and sound of the bumblebees. She chases after them, jumps at them, snaps at them, even dives into the bushes after them. I think she may have clipped one this morning because I saw it on the grass briefly after she snapped at it. Of course she couldn't find it once it was on the ground (again, not observant). But I've always wondered what she would do if she actually caught one in her mouth? Oh, Poo.

Who is Jazzypoo?

Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Sex: Female
DOB: 06/07/2009
Color: Black and Tan
Official Title: Ygdrasil Von Haus Baysden
Call Name: Jasmine
AKA: Jazzypoo, Jazzy, Poo, Danglypoo, Fuzzybutt, Fuzzy, Whinypoo, Poopbreath, Pooface, am I missing any??
Likes: SQUIRREL!, pigbaby, frisbees, tennis balls, used kleenex, guinea pig poopies, sleeping on Dad's side of the bed
Dislikes: rain, fireworks, baths, nail trimming, the cone of shame, and the crate :(